The second phase of training of lithium business school has been successfully completed!

更新时间:2015-09-09 20:33:21点击:158965 School Optimization

The second phase of training of lithium business school has been successfully completed!

Learn lithium electricity to guangdong, arrive lithium, every month on the 8th free lecture!

Da li school of business (trend. Market. Career)

From August 8 to August 9, 2019, the two-day lithium battery training and practical training course has been successfully completed. This is the second phase of lithium battery training course successfully held by lithium business school.

This period of training course is presided over by the dean song of the lithium business school, in order to let the students of the training course know more about lithium electricity and related knowledge, and to escort the students' entrepreneurial road, during which several experts and engineers of lithium electricity industry answered questions for the students of the business school.

Without further ado, picture above

Compared with the first phase, the number of trainees in this period has doubled!

The training will continue to take the form of lectures that students enjoy - theory before practice

In the theory class, students are eager to ask questions and make speeches.

On the practical exercise class, the students experience pro, learn from each other!

Finally, of course, I would like to present our beautiful graduation photos! Lithium refueling! Come on, students!

Lithium business school free registration hotline

Tel:13532872060(President song)

Training address: dongguan songshan lake high-tech industrial development zone (1.5 kilometers away from huawei)

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